Pakistan Travel blog


Experience Tourism In Pakistan Through Vibrant Festivals

The year 2020 was a great year for tourism in Pakistan. Forbes Magazine termed Pakistan among ’10 Best Under-the-Radar Trips for 2020′ listing. Many international travel bloggers visited the country, and presented detailed stories of their experiences in the country, the vibrant culture, the warmth of the people, and the breath-taking landscapes. It comes as no surprise then that the government has...


Pakistan Travel

Within Pakistan's landscape there is the flat fertile Indus plain in east, nurtured by the Indus, the country's longest river and a key water resource. Pakistan's north is mountainous. The nation's highest mountains are in the Himalayas in north east. Pakistan's largest and least populated province is Balochistan situated on the Balochistan Plateau in the south and west. Whenever we think of Pakistan,...

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